April Favourites

April Showers bring…. May showers? It has been a very wet spring! But rain or shine, I’ve been shooting daily. My Life Captured 365 project and my One Second Everyday videos keep me on track with shooting, even if I don’t always keep up quite as well with editing and posting. It can feel a bit overwhelming having more and more photos every day to sort through, but I know it’s always better to have them than not. Shooting daily helps with skill-building and challenging myself creatively. At this time of year, most days are just our regular routine — school, errands, playing indoors and short trips to parks. It doesn’t always feel very inspiring. But when I compile my favourite photos for the month I see that really, our daily lives are full of beauty, love and joy.
I started out the month with a quick trip to Vancouver. I was traveling solo so had to find other subject matter besides my kids. Since my 365 project is a portrait project, I sometimes include portraits of myself. I like getting creative with the self-portraits, rarely actually setting up a tripod (because, I mean, that would be pretty embarrassing in public). And of course, ferry scenery. I had the opportunity to see a couple beautiful sunsets.
Returning to Victoria, we continued with our regular routine and unseasonably unpleasant weather. There was a storm one day and I decided it was an excellent opportunity to take the kids storm watching. They were pretty good sports about it, walking most of the way out to 10-mile point. They did hide behind a wall from the wind for much of the time, and required hot chocolate in Cadboro Bay before going home.
Some of the most special memories from April are of going up to Cowichan Valley to choose a kitten. We visited a sweet little litter of barn kittens and Gracie bonded with a little grey one right away. We’ll always be glad we have these photos of when our kitty was a baby.
My Life Captured 365 project kept on course and I got a lot of new favourites from April. I love this shot of my kids with my brother enjoying the view after a hike up PKOLS. I have a post for Kelp & Moss about that hike. April is a beautiful time to explore all the different eco-systems in Mt. Douglas Park.
I also have a separate blog post for our trip to Government House for our Secret Garden shoot. That was one of the few really nice days in early spring — cold but sunny.
April also included Easter, which was later this year than usual so thankfully not too cold out to enjoy egg hunting and dressing up for church.
Lastly, what would April be without cherry blossoms? I tried my best to take cherry blossom pictures this year but I feel like they fell sooner than usual because of the late start and terrible amount of rain. Still, there was the odd nice day where we could bask in their wonderful pink joy.